Statutaire naam Stichting NeverLike

RSIN fiscaal nummer 820855340

Adres Haarlemmermeerstraat 99-2, 1058 JT Amsterdam NL


Tel +31 6 53658450

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Keren Levi is a choreographer who lives in Amsterdam. Her company NeverLike receives funding support from local, national, public and private foundations. Levi’s work is idiosyncratically choreographic and multidisciplinary by nature. Her adventurous music-dance-video performances have a conceptual basis and are structured in conversation with principles of film and music making. With a tender-sharp feminist focus, Levi creates a heterogeneous image of women in all aspects of her work. With the interest to place dance in an area where social conventions and expectations become visible, Levi poses the question of what dance is, and what role dance can play in a broader socio-political context >>> click on the photo above for further reading<<<